You are here:Home > Hammer Drill Bits > SDS Max Hammer Bits > Extra Length SDS MAX Bit For Hilt Bosch & Others
Extra Length SDS MAX  Bit For Hilt Bosch & Others.  Drill lengths up to 42"  in 1-1/4" Diameter, these are some big bits!  Known as SDS Max or TE-Y (HIlti) these bits are designed for larger hammers referred to as SDS Max Hammers from HIlti, Bosch, MIlwaukee, DeWalt, Metabo, Makita and more.  If you are not sure if they will fit your hammer, give us a call and we can help you out.
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SDS Max Hammer Drill Bit 1/2" x 36" SDS Max Hammer Drill Bit 1/2" x 54"  Relton MX-8-54 SDS Max Hammer Drill Bit 1/2" x 66"
SDS Max Hammer Drill Bit 1/2" x 36" (31" usable length). SDS Max Hammer Drill Bit 1/2" x 54" (48" usable length) SDS Max Hammer Drill Bit 1/2" x 66" (60" usable length).
SDS Max Hammer Drill Bit 5/8" x 36" SDS Max Hammer Drill Bit 3/4" x 36" SDS Max Hammer Drill Bit 3/4" x 42"
SDS Max Hammer Drill Bit 5/8" x 36" (31" usable length). SDS Max Hammer Drill Bit 3/4" x 36" (31" usable length). SDS Max Hammer Drill Bit 3/4" x 42"(36" usable length)
SDS Max Hammer Drill Bit 3/4" x 54" SDS Max Hammer Drill Bit 3/4" x 66" SDS Max Hammer Drill Bit 7/8" x 36"
SDS Max Hammer Drill Bit 3/4" x 54"(48" usable length) SDS Max Hammer Drill Bit 3/4" x 66" (60" usable length). SDS Max Hammer Drill Bit 7/8" x 36"  (31" usable length).
SDS Max Hammer Drill Bit 1" x 36" SDS Max Hammer Drill Bit 1" x 42" SDS Max Hammer Drill Bit 1" x 54"
SDS Max Hammer Drill Bit 1" x 36" (31" usable length). SDS Max Hammer Drill Bit 1" x 42"(36" usable length) SDS Max Hammer Drill Bit 1" x 66" (60" usable length).
SDS Max Hammer Drill Bit 7/8" x 66" SDS Max Hammer Drill Bit 1-1/8" x 36" SDS Max Hammer Drill Bit 1-1/4" x 36"
SDS Max Hammer Drill Bit 7/8" x 66" (60" usable length). SDS Max Hammer Drill Bit 1-1/8" x 36" (31" usable length). SDS Max Hammer Drill Bit 1-1/4" x 36" (31" usable length).
SDS Max Hammer Drill Bit 1-3/8" x 36"
SDS Max Hammer Drill Bit 1-3/8" x 36" (31" usable length).